Friday, March 19, 2010

Now It's A Race, But We Have A Plan!!

So Bruce and I got back from Oklahoma, where I am from, last night. We were only there a week due to a death in the family, but yes I am moving back home this summer when he deploys. I think a lot of you got confused. We are moving from Colorado next month, yes we did pack our whole house and storage it in Oklahoma. We do have a bed, TV, PS3, netbook, and my 4 suitcases of my clothes and shoes. :D And he has his stuff here. So we are good! ;) We left our Husky in Oklahoma, because traveling with her is just a lot and she is so big, so we thought it would be easier to leave her in Oklahoma at my house since I am moving back home soon anyway, but of course you know my Chi-babies are with me. Juliet, Angel and Bella slept on my lap the whole way back...12 hours..LoL and Romeo on Daddy's of course!!

So since Bruce is deploying this summer, we are now at a race to get conceive (naturally right now) before he goes..and I hate saying that because getting pregnant is NOT a race. But in all honestly we are TTC'ing as much as we can.. And of course praying to God! So it kinda feels like a race. If I don't get pregnant before he goes I will be completely crushed... Now we were gonna do IVF before he left but now that I have to pay for an Attorney, we can't. Now what we are doing is..we are gonna do a few more IUIs while he is gone, I don't know how many (I'd have to travel back to Kentucky since his froze sperm will be there..) but then we are going IVF with ICSI when he gets home..if necessary.. So that is our plan! But of course we are really hoping and praying to get pregnant before he goes. AF is due Monday, hoping she don't show, but if I am not pregnant I want her to show right on time because we are having a weekend getaway, "conception moon" on the 3rd, 2 days before I ovulate. :) We planned a getaway anyway because he wanted to do one before he leaves, and what better way to turn it into a "conception moon" But of course it's not gonna be all about TTC, it is all about US!

So tomorrow morning, I have an appt with my Infertility Doctor..because I am pretty sure I have a cyst on my left ovary from all the Fertility Drugs, so "Wandy" for me tomorrow morning.., ucky!! I feel my left ovary, then I feel something on top of it, that feels kinda big and hurts beyond bad!! I can't touch it, put Any pressure near there or my lower left back... Please pray for me..

So I am VERY happy that we have a a plan, I'm not stressing as bad, but I still kinda am, but not as bad since we have a plan. I really hope we get conceive on our own, and by the time he is home I will around a 3 month old!! I have prayed very hard, you don't re-pray everyday about it, you remind God your prayer, everyday. I learned a lot from my Grandpa when I was home, so I learned a lot about praying, how to pray RIGHT, so hopefully he answers our prayers! So we may be going to a Hot Spring for our Conception Moon or what do you think?? Look up and give me some ideas!! I will do the same and post another post about it tomorrow!! :) Thank you!


  1. A Hot Spring sounds lovely, but not for a "Conception Moon" - his 'guys' in hot water? No, no!! Where are y'all planning it, maybe I can help look up something exciting (and romantic!).

    I'll be praying for you, as always hon. I'm glad you feel better now that you have a plan.

  2. I hope and pray AF stays away!! I hope you guys have a wonderful "conception moon". I pray that y'all can create a baby hang before he has to be deployed...sending you lots of love & prayers.

  3. I am glad that you guys are getting away for a bit before he has to leave. That is definitely something that the two of you need!! I don't know of any good places around where you are, but I'm sure that you guys will come up with something good. I love you doll!

  4. ditto PP! I wish you two all the best, ad you are in my prayers constantly! *hugs*

  5. I will pray for you guys. There's a legend in Spain about full moons. You can ask the full Moon to concieve a child but the action has to take place in its light so "she" can work its magic. Moon is a jealous b!tch so when the baby is born you must honor her by presenting her the baby again at the same spot conception took place. She'll be waiting. These children are called "ninos de la Luna" and their skin color give them away.

    I know it's just a legend but I bet it would be fun to try it just for the fun of it.

    Enjoy your gateaway, you guys deserve it!

  6. Ohh sweetie, I'm praying for you two-that you finally have your hearts desire fulfilled and that he comes home safe and sound to you from his deployment. I hope you have a wonderful time on your little trip!

  7. The best of love to you and your hubby. :)

    xo B

  8. Sounds like a great plan! Good luck!


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