Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Post Appt.

So I went and saw my Infertility Dr. He looked at my incisions and they are healing very nicely!! He said he larsed most the Endo,blood out and all scar tissue! So that's a plus! He said I'll probably be in pain for a few weeks because the Endo and blood he larsed out was on nerve endings!! OUCHIES! So I'm hoping soon after I heal I won't be having any pelvic pain for a while! He said he needs me all the way healed for the In Vitro (and healing takes 4-6 weeks) Well next week Bruce has to get another spermie test. Then on the 9th we have an Appt for treatment and talk about what will be best and the In Vitro. I really can not wait to get this started!! The process takes 2 weeks..sooo the sooner the better!!!! :)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

After Surgery.

So they got the Endometruim cyst out, and it was the size of an orange. Ouch I know! He larsed just about all the Endometriosis out and got rid of all scar tissue! He said I won't have a problem with geting Pregnant or Miscarrying anymore! Thank the Lord. So I'm hoping we get Pregnant in Dec before we do InVitro in Jan. That would be so nice. I go see my Infertility Dr next week to make sure I'm healing right. I'm so glad they let Bruce home, because I can't lift myself..and he has been a HUGE help..thank you baby! Keep us in your prayers! Thank you.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Emergency Surgery.

So I am having emergency surgery tomorrow afternoon. because the Endometrium Cyst is poking out and can feel it..and hurts like HELL! So they want to get it out ASAP! Bruce is in the field...but they are getting him home. Ughh I'm so scared to have surgery...Please keep me in your prayers that everything goes great. Also in Jan is when we are doing the In Vitro!!!!!!!!:)

Friday, November 7, 2008


I went to see my Infertility Doctor today, because they thought the HSG mighta gave me an infection cause the pain I've been in. Well he did an ultrasound, and on my left ovary, he saw the Endometrium Cyst. (which can make you not ovulate) So they only thing they can do, is a Laparoscopy. So I'm having surgery to get it removed and get the Endo larsed out. I go Thrusday to see the surgeon there, and to make a date for the surgery. my Infertility Doctor also said that..that is why I'm always in pain, and probably why I have not gotten pregnant. Also in Jan/Feb we are doing InVitro, because they are having a Military discount and taking off 6,000$. So it'll only be 6,000. and he said that may be the best choice for me and seeing how hes in the Military. So soon we will have our baby growing! :) Please pray the surgery goes well..I'm terrified of getting put to sleep..So now everything is truly falling into place.
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