Thursday, February 23, 2006


The funeral was today, and the service was so beautiful. hen I first got there I had a panic attack and ran out of the place. But my Grams, Dad and Brother came after me and told me it was ok and my Grams gave me a klonopin. I'm proud of myself for staying strong for my family, after that, and I didn't really cry but teared up, I HATE people seeing me cry. I knew my Mom would have wanted me to stay strong. She is in a better place and I'm happy that she is no longer in pain. I love her so much and nothing will ever change that. She is my mother and I am her daughter. She was the most wonderful mother and person and so very beautiful. I love you so much. I will try not to be sad, just like you told me, to not be sad when you died. I'm gonna miss you so much. Your the one of the greatest woman I know. I love you Mommy.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

RIP Mom...

Around 12:15 my daddy and I found my mom dead in her bed.. I can't beleive this at all. I miss her so much already and it doesn't seem real. I hope she is ok up there and knows how much I love her and I'll never forget her, and that she was the BEST mother a girl could have! Bruce might be coming home, if they let him..trying to not get my hopes but because we are not married yet and they don't let fiance's go home...I need him so bad right now..

Mom, I love you so much I now know that you are no longer in any pain and that you are in a better place. I miss you. Don't worry a bout Jr we will take good care of him for you. Don't worry about us either, we will be ok..I know that you loved us so much and you didn't wanna leave is, I love you with all my heart mommy..
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