So I went in for my ultrasound on the 2nd... and as all of you already know... the baby had no heartbeat.. I couldn't even say a word to my ob...I was speachless and in shock... I don't understand how we saw the heart actually beating a week and half before then it just stops?? I don't understand..the baby was bigger the baby was growing... My heart is just..what is the best word for this...gone... The baby's heartbeat was going up my levels were doubling..well more then doubling..everything was looking soo great!! I haven't been handling it very well.. I have never been so depressed in my life. I'm not sure on how to even cope with this.. All I seem to do is cry cry and cry some more. I was doing every single thing right and everything the doctor told me. I love that baby more than anything I have ever loved... I got way too attached.. I shouldn't have let myself but that's just impossible when you have another life growing inside you. I'm just not doing great, I'm far from ok.. I was finally truly fully I don't know if I will ever be fully happy again. Ryan doesn't know if he wants to even try to get pregnant and that just breaks my heart. All I want is to be a mother, to his kid, that is what I am meant to do. I have had so many thoughts running through my head but I can't seem to write them on here at the moment... I just don't know if I can do this.. There were 3 pregnancy annoucements and I just cried so of the ones I guess I fainted, Ryan said, from crying so hard.. I don't uderstand why others get pregnant esp with 2 or more and I can't even carry 1?! :( God please help me through this... I knwo I'm angry at you right now but please help me, I can't get through this without you... In no way am I looking for people to feel sorry for me, I just need my friends to be here for me, I need a lot of support right now..
I was finally starting to show...
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