So Friday night Ryan had to work&I was gonna go with him. We were driving in downtown Tulsa...this guy, come to find out he's 17, in this white truck almost runs us off the road&almost kills us... So Ryan saved us, then we get beside the truck, I roll down the window&we both flip him off, then sped up&got away for him..just went about our business. Our exit was coming up so Ryan puts on his blinker& he's clear but before he went over..I saw the white truck, coming on my side really fast&watched him jerk the wheel right at the car. I yelled baby... We were going 65mph.. The car spun out, as that happened, my life didn't fast before my eyes but kinda...I just saw what mattered most in my life, my family, pups, MJ, Ryan&if I would ever see them again. Ryan was the last thing I thought of&how much I love him&stuff......then I thought I was gonna die.. The car then hits a concrete wall. I black out....then remember Ryan by me telling me I'm ok. I just cried so hard... My seat belt had snapped&my chest hit the dashboard.. My sternum what was hurting the worse...but I couldnt feel most my body or move...it hurt to cry, talk&breath. Since I was in shock&scared too death my breathing wasn't right. The cops&amblances finally get there. The EMTs come to the car, one gets in the bsckseat&holds my neck. After the other ask me a bunc
h of questions they got me on a strecher. She hooks me up to an oxygen machine&an IV. She gave me pain meds but I didn't feel it then she gave me some anxiety meds to calm me down. Get to the er, Ryan hasn't left my side, they get me back into a room&more than one doctor came in, they started pushing on my whole body&I just remember how hard I started crying....I thought the pain was gonna kill me.. Xray time. Got my xrays done, I laid in my room for 30mins crying while waiting to be discharged, my broken bones but sternum almost is. My neck, back, breast plates, ribs...bruised internally&whole body messed up... We left..... Then some other stuff happened that night, not gonna get into that tho.