Friday, January 22, 2010

Blog Award.

I got this wonderful award from Ashley. She has always been there for me, and I dunno what I'd do without her!! :)

Beautiful Blogger Award

  • Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
  • Copy the award and place it in your blog.
  • Link the person who nominated you for this award.
  • Tell us 7 interesting things about you.
  • Nominate 7 bloggers.
  • Post the links to the 7 bloggers you nominate.

Seven Things About Me.
  1. Reese's is my all time favorite candy!
  2. I don't eat any fat from meat, it makes me gag!!
  3. I am addicted to my BlackBerry Bold, it never leaves me hands until I'm sleeping and even then it it in bed with me, haha!
  4. It's really hard for me to swallowed Prenatals.
  5. I'm gonna go to college to be a Child Wellfare Social Worker.
  6. My favorite color is pink.
  7. I can not stand when my hands are dirty, I probably wash them like 100 times a day.

Seven Bloggers That I Pass This Award To:

  1. Cara.
  2. Holly.
  3. Kate.
  4. Nathalie.
  5. Sarah.
  6. Cheryl.
  7. Jenn.
I wish I could give all my girls this award, but I could only pick 7. So this is in no order or anything like that.


  1. I love reese's! Especially the holiday ones. Hubby laughs at me, but I tell them they do taste better than the regular ones! :)

  2. That was beautiful! OMG! I love it! And what I love more is that someday you will give this to your baby and he/she will love you so much more! *HUGS!*


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