Today I am 6 weeks pregnant!! I have made it to another week, YAY!! :) I've been having a very rough time with this pregnancy, already. I've been prescribed Percocet since 2005&OxyContin for the past 3 years. My doctor is refusing to give me my meds to ween me off, so shes making me stop cold turkey, you can't do that esp with OxyContin. I'm having the worst withdrawals, pain&pregnancy symptoms. She told me to go to rehab to detox but insurance don't cover it or I would. This could be stressing the baby out&we don't need that. So tomorrow I'm calling another doctor to get ween off the right way or even a medicine for stop the withdrawals. So just been stressing about that, a lot. I'm trying to stay calm, for the baby's sake. My main concern is the baby. Please pray that I find a doctor that helps us.
So I went to the ER Thrusday, they did a beta&an ultrasound. My beta was in the 5,000s!!! On the ultrasound they saw the sac&baby but too soon for heartbeat. They wouldn't let me see or tell me anything because they were not doctors..GRRR. I wanted to see, but I have an Ultrasound this Thursday! My very first!! I'm beyond excited&can't wait!! Counting down the days..hours..minutes. :) I will keep ya'll updated! :)
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