Friday, November 7, 2008


I went to see my Infertility Doctor today, because they thought the HSG mighta gave me an infection cause the pain I've been in. Well he did an ultrasound, and on my left ovary, he saw the Endometrium Cyst. (which can make you not ovulate) So they only thing they can do, is a Laparoscopy. So I'm having surgery to get it removed and get the Endo larsed out. I go Thrusday to see the surgeon there, and to make a date for the surgery. my Infertility Doctor also said that..that is why I'm always in pain, and probably why I have not gotten pregnant. Also in Jan/Feb we are doing InVitro, because they are having a Military discount and taking off 6,000$. So it'll only be 6,000. and he said that may be the best choice for me and seeing how hes in the Military. So soon we will have our baby growing! :) Please pray the surgery goes well..I'm terrified of getting put to sleep..So now everything is truly falling into place.

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